Izvještaj s 2. u kolovozu i najava za 3. ročište 02. studenog 2015. – kazneni postupak (cro., eng.)

PPRRDrugo ročište održano 31.8. za Zoranu i Eugena, trajalo je 3 sata gdje su svjedoci državne tužiteljice iznosili svoje viđenje incidenta koji se dogodio 01.3.2013. Od njih četvero dvojica su bili policajci koji su bili glavni napadači na optuženike, a dvojica civili koji su svjedočili policijskoj represiji.

Dobre vijesti su te da policajci mijenjaju svoje iskaze, međusobno si proturječe (između ostaloga da su Eugen i Zorana pali sami od sebe na pod i da su pali uslijed gušenja Eugena od strane policajca, tvrdeći to istovremeno), ne znaju definirati svoje ovlasti (na upite sutkinje), priznaju da nisu primijetili nikakva protupravna ponašanja kod Zorane i Eugena na prosvjedu, odnosno da ih nisu imali razloga privesti, a kamoli fizički napasti, te priznaju da nisu predočili značke ni iskaznice (odnosno, jedan tvrdi da su se obojica predstavila, a drugi da se samo jedan predstavio, tek nakon napada na Eugena s leđa). Civilni svjedok koji je potpisao policijsku izjavu je očigledno to napravio pod prisilom, te je promijenio svoj prvobitni iskaz u kojemu piše da su predočili svoje značke i iskaznice, te je zajedno s drugim civilnim svjedokom potvrdio kako je napad policije počeo bez predočenja znački i ikakve prijašnje komunikacije na Eugena s leđa, a dok je sam napad trajao da su ostali policajci branili ljudima snimati represiju te ih fizički napadali i privodili.

Optuženici su ostali pri svojim iskazima koje su dali još 2013., te nepokolebani lažnim iskazima  policijskih službenika i prijetnjama od 2 godine uvjetne za Zoranu i 8 mjeseci zatvora za Eugena. Sljedeće ročište zakazano je za 02.11.2015. u 9h gdje će svoje viđenje iznositi svjedoci obrane i jedan policijski službenik koji “nije mogao ostati zbog drugih obaveza” na ovome ročištu.

Nema uzmaka!

Report from the 2nd hearing (held in August 2015), and the announcement for the 3rd hearing (will be held in November 2015) – the criminal proceeding against anarchists from Rijeka (Croatia)

The 2nd hearing against Zorana and Eugen was held on August 31st, lasting 3 hours, where the prosecutors´ witnesses were giving their viewpoints on the incident of March 1st 2013. Out of four witnesses, two were the policemen responsible for the attack on the accused anarchists. The other two were civilians witnessing police repression.

The good news is that the policemen were not consistent in their statements, contradicting each other (one saying that Eugen and Zorana fell by themselves on the floor, the other claiming that they fell when he was choking Eugen), not being able to define the limits of their own authority (when asked to do so by the judge), admitting not to notice any illegal behavior from Eugen or Zorana at the demonstration – therefore admitting not to have any reason to arrest them, let alone physically attack them, and finally, admitting they did not identify themselves as police officers while acting undercover (one said they both identified themselves, and the other said only he identified himself – but only after the attack took place). One of the civilian witnesses changed his claims, now differing from those he offered at the police station right after the incident (obviously being forced to do so at the time), now saying that the attack started without any previous communication by the policemen towards the anarchists, and saying that the policemen were banning other protesters to film the police repression, physically attacking and arresting them as well.

The accused anarchists stuck by their claims from 2013., unmoved by both the policemen´s counterfeit statements and the threats of 2 years conditional discharge for Zorana, and 8 months imprisonment for Eugen. The next hearing will be held on November 2nd 2015 at 9:00 o´clock, where statements from the defense will be heard, accompanied by one policeman who “could not stay due to other obligations” at the last hearing.

It shall not pass!!

Povezani članci

Podrška Zadruge Praksa (Pula, Hrvatska)

Intervju s Alternativom Obstaja (FAO – IFA) (Kopar, Slovenija)

Prvo ročište kaznenog postupka (20.5.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)

Drugo ročište kaznenog postupka (31.8.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)

Izjava sindikata Akademska solidarnost (31.10.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)