Današnje (02.11.2015.) prvo svjedočenje je pripalo policajcu koji je sudjelovao u privođenju. Ono je bilo tragikomično, pošto je istovremeno tvrdio kako je vidio cijeli događaj (pri tom misleći da su policajci poštivali vlastiti protokol te da su prosvjednici ti koji su napali represivne snage) ujedno tvrdeći kako nije bio tamo kada se napad policije odvio na Zoranu i Eugena te ostale prosvjednike. Policijski službenici se drže svoje priče, koja nakon ispitivanja na sudu puca na sve strane pod teškim kontradiktornostima.
Zatim su uslijedila 4 svjedoka obrane, potresna svjedočanstva koja dočaravaju brutalnu silu i kršenje policijskih protokola pri napadu i privođenju, ne samo nad optuženicima već i nad svjedocima represije uključujući bahatu silu i nad djevojkama. Priča je ostala ista, popunjavajući rupe detaljima. Policajac u civilu napada Eugena s leđa ne predstavljajući se. Isti uz pomoć još policajaca u civilu i u odorama ponavlja napad 10-ak minuta kasnije u kojemu stradavaju 3 djevojke uključujući i Zoranu. Pri tom se policajci u civilu ne predstavljaju, koristeći grubu silu, daveći optuženike, ali i ostale, uz pomoć svojih kolega koji cipelare Zoranu na podu, a ostale lupaju, udaljavaju i bacaju kako ne bi mogli snimati ili pomoći ljudima koje privode.
Što se tiče javnosti, ovoga puta je u sudnicu moralo biti unijeto još stolica, kako bi lokalna, ali i slovenska javnost stala u prostoriju. Ovim putem se tim ljudima zahvaljujemo, što nam ulijevaju snagu, dijeleći s nama sjedišta u ovoj farsi od suđenja. Sljedeće ročište zakazano je za 25.01.2016. u 9h, na kojemu izlažu još dva nova svjedoka obrane, te sudsko-medicinski vještak koji je utvrdio “tešku fizičku ozljedu” kod policajca.
Vaša represija jača naše redove!
Report from the 3rd hearing, and the announcement for the 4th hearing (will be held in January 2016) – in the criminal proceeding against anarchists in Rijeka (Croatia)
First eyewitness we heard was a policeman who participated in the arrest. This was tragicomic, since he claimed that he had both seen and not seen the entire event, once claiming that the police were following their own protocol, and that the protesters were the ones attacking the police, and several minutes later stating that he was not present at all at the time of the attack. Policemen are sticking to their stories, which are slowly falling apart under the pressure of contradictory claims.
Next, we heard 4 of the defense´s eyewitnesses. These 4 soul-stirring statements only confirmed brutal imagery of the event and violation of protocol by the police (during the attack and the arrest) – not only on the defendants, but also on eyewitnesses and other protesters, including the use of force on girls. Eyewitnesses only confirmed what has already been stated. Policeman in civilian clothing attacks Eugen from behind, not introducing himself as a police officer. The same policeman repeats the attack some 10 minutes later, accompanied by another in civilian clothing, and numerous policemen in uniforms, when 3 girls have been physically attacked, including Zorana. During the entire event, the policemen in civilian clothing did not identify themselves, using rough force on the protesters, strangling the defendant, kicking Zorana with their feet while she is on the floor, and hitting others so they could not help the attacked defendants, nor film the entire event.
Considering the public, this time extra chairs needed to be taken in, so that the local, as well as the international public could fit in the courtroom. We are expressing our gratitude for their support in sharing this farce with us – it gives us much strength. The next hearing is due on January 25th 2016, at 9:00 o´clock. We will hear from two more defense´s eyewitnesses, followed by medicinal court expert, who established that the policeman was „badly hurt“.
Your repression makes us stronger!
Općinski sud u Rijeci
Ulica “Žrtava fašizma 7”
Sutkinja Brankica Grgurić
Predmet K-632/13
Povezani članci
– Masnice s potpisom lokalne vlasti (Direktna akcija, ASI) (7.3.2013.) (Beograd, Srbija)
– Podrška Zadruge Praksa (Pula, Hrvatska)
– Intervju s Alternativom Obstaja (FAO – IFA) (Kopar, Slovenija)
– Prvo ročište kaznenog postupka (20.5.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)
– Drugo ročište kaznenog postupka (31.8.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)
– Izjava sindikata Akademska solidarnost (31.10.2015.) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)
– Izvještaj s 2. i najava 3. ročišta (02.11.2015.) (cro, eng) (Rijeka, Hrvatska)
– Debata o kriminalizaciji protesta u “Anarhističkoj kafani” (6.11.2015.) (Kopar, Slovenija)
– Intervju za anarhistički časopis BURA (15.11.2015.) (Niš, Srbija)