Dočekali smo dan kada smo iznijeli svoje obrane, nakon što su se na prijašnjim ročištima izredali svjedoci državne tužiteljice i svjedoci obrane. Obrana je proširila kontekst optužnice i cijelog slučaja, tvrdeći kako je ovo direktan napad na društveni angažman Zorane i Eugena, pokušaj zastrašivanja i oduzimanja temeljnih prava i sloboda poput; prava na okupljanje i udruživanje, prava na protest i prava na iznošenje svog mišljenja. Jasno je ukazano da ne postoji niti jedan dokaz koji podupire optužnicu, a da su ozljede psihičke i fizičke, te sama prisila izvršeni upravo nad okrivljenicima, a ne nad policijskim službenicima. Podsjetimo se kako se anarhisti terete za kazneno djelo protiv života i tijela, točnije – za nanošenje teških fizičkih ozljeda i prisilu nad policajcima.
I ovoga puta bila je prisutna uporna javnost, kojoj se zahvaljujemo na podršci. Presuda je zakazana za 15.7. u 8h ujutro, nakon koje čekamo 15 dana da vidimo ide li cijeli slučaj na sljedeću razinu suđenja, odnosno na županijski sud. U slučaju oslobađajuće presude sasvim je izvjesno kako će država podnijeti žalbu i pokrenuti postupak na sljedećoj razini, a u slučaju potvrde optužnice obrana će podnijeti žalbu i pokušati dobiti oslobađajuću presudu na drugoj razini.
Pokušali ste nam začepiti usta i spriječiti nas da se slobodno krećemo gradom. Podmetali ste nam lažne svjedoke i „dokaze“, uznemiravali susjede, obitelji i prijatelje – samo kako bi na kraju shvatili da mi nismo od onih koji odustaju i poginju glavu.
Borba se nastavlja!
Report from the 7th hearing, and the call for participating in pronouncement of the verdict (will be held on June 15th 2016, in Municipal court of Rijeka, at 8:00 o´clock) – in the criminal proceeding against anarchists in Rijeka (Croatia)
We have at last seen the day when we have stated our defense, after previous hearings, where we heard from witnesses from both the state prosecutor and the defense. The defense has widened the context of the case, stating that this trial is a direct attack on Zorana and Eugen´s social engagement, as well as an attempt of intimidation, and taking away basic rights and freedoms such as: the right to assemble and join, the right to protest and the right to state one´s opinion. It has been clearly stated that there is not one piece of evidence to support the accusations, and that psychical and psychological injuries and force itself has been done by the police on the accused, and not vice-versa. Let us be reminded that the anarchists have been accused for the act against life and body of the policemen.
Again, the persistent public has been present, and to all of them we give our thanks for their support. The verdict is due June 15th at 8:00 o´clock, after which there is a time-limit of 15 days for appeal. That is when we will know if the case is transferring to a higher court. In the case of a liberating verdict, it is expected that the state will appeal to such conditions and in the case of a sentence – the defense will keep on doing a great job at a higher court level.
They have tried to shut our mouths and stop us from walking free. They have tried to incorporate false witnesses and “evidence”, harassed our neighbors, friends and family – only to realize in the end that we are not one of those who give up.
The struggle continues!